The ever popular Winter Pop-Up Shop returns for 2024. This year in a new venue St Chad's Church on Linden Avenue, Woodseats. From 10am to 1pm. 

There will be Winter Greenery and Festive Wreaths, Cards, Preserves and Baked Treats. Enjoy shopping and meeting friends with music from teh Abbely Lane Primary School 'The Hunters' and Dora and the Explorers.The money raised will be shared with the Woodseat Allotments choosen charities: Grow UK Sheffield, Besom and St Wilfrid's. 

13:45, 24 Nov 2024 by Angela Sanders

Charities choosen for 2024

Members of Woodseats Allotment nominate charities

Throughout the year Woodseats Allotment Society raise money through a range of activities including the Open Day, Pop Up Shop and selling surplus produce and plants.

The money raised is divided equally between choosen charities and Woodseats Allotment Society.

Members voted the following three charities this year as:


Grow is a nature-based youth development charity in Sheffield working with marginalised and vulnerable young people aged 16-24 across the city's deprived communities. Grow take an innovative approach combining coaching with nature-based projects and activities such as gardening and nature walks. 

St Wilfrid's Centre

The centre is a community where homeless, vulnerable and society excluded adults can find understanding, practical assistance, a sense of belonging and self esteem.

The Besom in Sheffield

The charity supports people living on the margins of society by providing basic household equipment and furniture, decorating and gardening projects to improve peoples living environment.


Picture of fruit and veg

Thanks to your support both buying and donating we raise much needed. Please continue to be generous

21:04, 14 Jul 2024 by Angela Sanders

Sunday 7th July

Preparations are moving on for this year's Open Day. We have a dedicated group of organisers but we are looking for others who might help in one way or another. 

Can you help with donations?
Cakes for the cafe
Plants for the plant stall - veg or flower plants. All are appreciated
Raffle prizes (there is a box in the Hub, if you can donate something)
Flowers for the flower bunches (they are made up on Saturday 6th at the Hub)


Please note: There will be no car access to the allotments from Abbey Lane and Camping Lane from 8am - about 6pm on Sunday 7th July.

50% of all takings go to charity with the other 50% for Woodseats Allotment funds.

17:16, 23 Jun 2024 by Angela Sanders


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